In summary,...
A Beautiful Summer
Maine, USA
I ended up going into a head space where the only comfort I told myself I'd enjoy was the one I'd find between my duvet and the fitted sheet on our overly massive bed, for a few days at least. Summer was exhausting. It was beautiful, and it was nourishing and not a week went by that I didn't dip my clay-toned toes into the frigid, coastal, North Atlantic Ocean and so much about that feels good.
"From an enticing midday-shoot with Kyla Curtis to an inspiring visit on Monhegan Island, my summer has been rooted in growth, love and at times, a sense of creative humility."
I briefly traded my time for terrible cash at one of Portland Maines' landmark eateries, and though I made a third of what I thought I'd make, the experience helped turn that internal heat on for me. So many days... too many days... I would wonder "What the actual heck, Tempy, you hate this environment. You dislike this job", and so I diverted my attention as I realized how truly lucky I was to afford those golden moments of self reflection. Do something with that freedom, I told myself...DO SOMETHING. The beautiful thing about all of this is that you too are capable of changing paths. If you're wishing and dreamin' go for it!
Nature is both creative and intelligent. Follow your curiosity; creativity is a natural part of YOU ;)
UP NEXT ------> A storyline from France, Europe. Weddings, vineyards, pastels and pretty hues of blues; I can't wait to share the of the beaut with you <3